Dutch Kills Press

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Dumpster fires. Demon Sperm. Murder hornets. And of course a global pandemic. 2020 has been a year, and it's not over yet. 

To make sense of it, Dutch Kills Press is putting together an e-book anthology — 2020: Good Writing from a Bad Year.

What to submit. Short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Illustrators are invited to submit cover art. 

The theme. Your submission could directly describe or interpret 2020, or it could relate more obliquely. Don't obsess about it. You already have enough stress. If it's just something good you wrote this year, submit it.

Who should submit. You! We are interested in finding voices from communities most affected by COVID and state violence. But everyone is welcome.

Why are we charging for submissions? So we can pay contributors and cover editorial costs.

Why are we doing this? Because one of way of combatting despair is to help people get their work out. 


  • Fiction and nonfiction: 3500 words max. Please include your name, email address and word count at the top left of your first page. Number your pages.
  • Poems: Two or three, or perhaps one longer poem. Please include your name and email address at the top left of your first page. Number your pages.
  • Cover art submission: one at a time please. 1,600 x 2,560 pixels. Please include your name and email address at the top left of your illustration. 
  • New work only. Meaning nothing published before, which includes social media or a blog post.

Payment.  $100!